About This Journal

“Economic sustainability and business practices” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with open access, which is dedicated to the publication of the scientific research results on issues of economic sustainability and modern business practices. The journal publishes original research, reviews and theoretical articles by domestic and foreign economists, postgraduate students, students, teachers, students of economic specialities of universities and practitioners working in various fields of economics, which contain new theoretical and practical results.

In the process of selecting articles, the editorial board ensures high-quality independent review according to the “Double-Blind Peer Review” procedure, the reviewers meet the requirements of clause 6.6 of the Procedure for Forming the List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine.

The subject of the journal corresponds to the following specialities: Economics (051), Management of socio-cultural activities (028), Management (073), Marketing (075), Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity (076), Accounting and Taxation (071), Finance, banking and insurance (072), Public management and administration (281), International economic relations (292).

The founder and publisher is Sumy State University.

Foundation: 2007

In 2024, the journal changed its name to “Economic sustainability and business practices”(Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 768, 14.03.2024,  protocol No. 2359, 11.07. 2024).

Media ID: R30-03430

UDC: 33(051)

From 2007 until the re-registration in 2024, the scientific publication had the name Bulletin of Sumy State University. Economy series.

Periodicity: 4 issues per year

Category: B

Language: English

Editor in Chief: Olena Chygryn

E-пошта: [email protected]

ISSN:3041-2307 (print); 3041-2315 (on-line)

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