Correction and retraction policies

Correction Policy

Economic Sustainability and Business Practices aims to ensure the highest standards of transparency, honesty and reliability of information and data in published articles. To comply with this obligation, the Policy of correction and withdrawal (retraction) is in effect, aiming to correct any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies that may be found in published articles. The main types of corrections include the following:

Errata corrects minor errors that have inadvertently made them into a published article. These are errors, often of a technical nature, which may include simple misspellings in the text or factual inaccuracies in figures, tables, or references. Errata are published by publishers as separate messages, separate from the original article and closely related to the original source. The publication of errata allows readers to be informed about discovered errors and to provide access to correct information. This helps maintain the transparency and reliability of the magazine’s content and provides readers with accurate and reliable information. Correcting errata reflects a scientific community’s commitment to transparency and academic integrity.

Corrigenda. In cases where a published article reveals more significant errors or inaccuracies, such as those related to data, methodology, or other critical aspects of the study, the journal uses corrigendum. They are a tool for correcting errors that significantly affect the scientific plausibility and integrity of a paper and serve as a means of providing an updated version of the paper that contains the necessary corrections to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the research. These corrections may include data corrections, clarification of methods, or other substantial corrections required to meet high standards of scientific rigour. Similar to errata, corrigendums are separate messages that are published separately from the original article. They serve as a clear and transparent means of notifying readers of required corrections. In addition, they are carefully linked to the original article so that readers can easily access the revised version and ensure that the historical context and evolution of the research are documented. The use of proofreaders confirms the journal’s adherence to the principles of accuracy and transparency in its publication policy. This testifies to the observance of the highest standards of dissemination of scientific knowledge, which allows to form the trust of the scientific community and readers.

Retraction. In scientific publishing, there are rare but critically important cases when an article must be retracted. Retractions are in response to significant concerns related to the article’s content, ethical issues, or the overall integrity of the study. Material errors that fundamentally undermine the accuracy of research findings, ethical violations such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or ethical misconduct, and doubts about the integrity of the research process may lead to article retraction. The decision to retract an article is never taken lightly and is guided by a higher commitment to uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity. Once a decision has been made, retracted articles are immediately removed from the journal’s website, ensuring that they are no longer accessible to readers. In addition, these retracted articles are marked as “retracted” clearly and unambiguously to clearly indicate the status of the article and the reasons for its retraction. The retraction process underscores the journal’s commitment to maintaining the credibility and reliability of its content. Although retractions are rare, they form the basis for upholding the principles of accuracy and integrity of published research.

Authors are encouraged to immediately notify the Editorial Office if errors are found in published articles. Authors should provide details of the required correction. After receiving a correction request, the Editorial Office evaluates the nature and severity of the error. If the request is justified, the appropriate type of correction (errata, corrigendum, or retraction) will be determined. All corrections are subject to review and approval by the Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief to ensure accuracy and appropriateness of the correction. Approved fixes will be published immediately as a separate log message. The original article will be updated to include a link to the patch notification.

Retraction Policy

Economic Sustainability and Business Practices journal adheres to the highest standards of scientific integrity and accuracy. This Retraction Policy sets out the circumstances under which articles may be retracted and the thorough process for managing such retractions.

Reasons for withdrawing the article

The presence of problems that compromise the integrity and credibility of published research. These issues include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Ethical violations include fabricating data, falsification, or plagiarism.
  • Significant errors that affect the validity or reliability of the study.
  • Duplication or redundant publication.
  • Honest errors (Honest errors) indicate errors or inaccuracies in scientific research, publications or scientific work that occur unintentionally. These are usually mistakes due to carelessness and inattention.
  • Violation of research ethics or hidden conflict of interest.

The recall process involves the following stages:

  • A detailed study is conducted, and a thorough investigation is carried out to verify the reasons for the withdrawal of the material and ensure its validity.
  • Compliance with ethical and methodological standards: the withdrawal process is carried out in accordance with the established ethical norms and methodological standards of scientific publishing.
  • Transparent notification. When an article is retracted, it is accompanied by a clear and transparent notification stating the specific reasons for the retraction and the issues that led to the decision.
  • Rapid takedown, in which a retracted article is quickly removed from the journal’s website to ensure it is not accessible to readers.
  • Marking as retracted. A retracted article is marked as “retracted”, providing a clear signal to readers about its status and reasons for retraction.


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