The editorial board of the Economic Sustainability and Business Practices Journal only accepts original materials and articles that have yet to be published previously. To maintain the integrity of submitted manuscripts, the Journal uses StrikePlagiarism software to detect plagiarism. Plagiarism in scientific publications is considered a breach of the professional conduct norms governing the interactions among authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, and readers, and it violates the commitment to Publication Ethics.
All manuscripts submitted to the Economic Sustainability and Business Practices Journal undergo plagiarism screening at two key stages:
- Upon initial submission
- After peer review, when the author(s) submit the finalised manuscript.
The Managing Editor and the Editor-in-Chief review the plagiarism screening report. If plagiarism is identified during the review or editorial process, the affected manuscript(s) will be promptly rejected. The editorial board will conduct a comprehensive investigation if text borrowing is discovered after publication. The journal’s editorial office will contact the author(s) to inform them of the situation. If a breach of publication ethics related to plagiarism is confirmed, the article may be retracted.
Depending on the severity of the case, the Editorial Office may take appropriate actions against the author(s), including:
- Disqualifying the author(s) from future publications
- Notifying the author(s)’ funding agencies, affiliated institutions, and the original author(s) whose work was plagiarised
Plagiarism complaints are handled using COPE flowcharts:
- Suspected plagiarism in a submitted manuscript
- Suspected plagiarism in a published manuscript
Complaints and Appeals
Author(s) and reader(s) may submit complaints or appeals to the Editorial Office via email. Each complaint will be assigned a unique number by the Editorial Office, which can be used for follow-up.
Handling Reports of Plagiarism
- The complainant contacts the journal’s Editorial Office, where the published article suspected of plagiarism is located.
- The complainant specifies the plagiarised sections by referencing the original and suspected articles.
- The Editorial Office initiates an investigation, contacting the journal’s editor and the suspected article’s corresponding author(s).
- The corresponding author(s) will be requested to explain.
- If the author(s) of the suspected article acknowledge the plagiarism complaint, an erratum or retraction may be issued to rectify the situation. However, there might still be disagreements about the wording of the description.
- The article may be permanently retracted if there is no response within the specified time or an unsatisfactory explanation.
The author(s) of each article in this journal bear sole responsibility for its content. Neither the Economic Sustainability and Business Practices Journal nor its editors, publisher, or any other parties involved in its creation, production, or distribution assume liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented in the journal. They shall not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages from using the Economic Sustainability and Business Practices Journal.