Publication ethics policy and malpractice statement

The Economic Sustainability and Business Practices journal prioritises publication ethics in its editorial and publishing policies. The Editorial Board and Reviewers are dedicated to adhering to globally recognised publication ethics principles, ensuring high standards in scholarly publishing. The Journal’s Code of Conduct aligns with the recommendations of the Committee on Ethics in Publishing. It follows guidelines like the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

The Journal’s website is meticulously designed to meet ethical and professional standards, providing comprehensive information about the publisher and journal. It includes detailed descriptions of the editorial and publishing policies, guidelines for authors, editorial board members, and reviewers, procedures for manuscript submissions, publication costs, and available discount schemes. The site features extensive profiles of the editorial board and reviewers, contact details of the editorial office, a content index database, plagiarism-checking tools, details of partnerships and collaborations, and the services offered.


The Journal has made all its issues available in open access on the website. Each article’s page contains the author’s details, an abstract, a reference list, dates of manuscript receipt, revisions, acceptance, and metrics on downloads and views. Users can freely download full texts directly from the article pages. The website is available in English and Ukrainian and includes features for easy communication with the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Office. The Editorial Board ensures the website’s continuous operation, cybersecurity, and data protection are consistently maintained.

The “Aims and Scope” section clearly outlines the journal’s main research focus, target audience, subject areas, and classifications that guide the journal’s publications.

The ISSNs for both the print and online versions of the Journal are prominently displayed on the website.

Title of the Journal

The Economic Sustainability and Business Practices journal is assigned a distinct name to avoid any confusion with the titles of other journals. This information is clearly stated on the website.

Peer review process

The Journal employs a double-blind peer-review model, where manuscripts undergo assessment by both members of the Editorial Board and Reviewers. Reviewers are chosen based on their research interest in the article’s topic. The review report is communicated to the Author(s) and includes the reviewers’ opinions and recommendations regarding the acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of the manuscript. The website provides information on the review process, outlining its stages, reasons for potential rejection (Peer review process), a comprehensive overview of the reviewer’s role, and guidelines for the reviewer’s conduct in various scenarios (Guidelines for Reviewers).

 Journal ownership and management

Sumy State University (Ukraine) is the publisher of the journal “Economic Sustainability and Business Practices”.

The management and decision-making

Cooperation and division of responsibilities between editors and publishers of the journal are consistent with the journal’s publishing policy. Following the fundamental principles of WAME, the publisher has the right to appoint and dismiss editors and editorial board members, exercising this right only for substantial reasons, such as unreasonable decisions, violations of the journal’s editorial policy, and personal conduct that violates trust. (in particular, criminal behaviour, violation of ethical standards, the dishonest performance of official duties, etc.).

Information about the independence of the editorial board of the Journal is represented in the relevant sections of the respective websites. The Editor-in-Chief, Section Editors and Members of the Editorial Board actively involve reviewers and the editorial board in the journal’s activities. Members of the editorial board and external reviewers are experts in their fields who meet the journal’s goals and adhere to the norms of publication ethics. The list of editorial board members and reviewers is regularly reviewed and their names, affiliations, research interests and links to academic profiles are presented on the journal’s website.

The responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief, Section Editors, Editorial Board Members, Managing Editor and Technical Editor, as well as a convenient Contact Editor-in-Chief button, are clearly described in the relevant sections of the website. Rules for editors and recommendations for reviewers.

Contact information

The names and contact information for all members of the Editorial Board, Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Technical Editor, and Proofreader are listed in the Editorial Team, Editorial Board, Editorial Team, and Contact sections.

Copyright and licensing

The Journal’s copyright policy is transparently outlined in the Copyright and Licensing section. Every article is released under the Creative Commons CC BY open-access license, granting permission for the article’s use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided proper attribution is given to the original work. The CC BY license extends to both commercial and non-commercial purposes. Authors who incorporate previously published content (e.g., text, figures, tables) must secure permission for usage and republication and provide accurate source references. This clearance process should be completed before submitting the article.

As an open-access periodical, refer to the Open Access Statement and the bibliography metadata section for comprehensive insights into the journal’s Open-Access Policy. All citation data within articles are genuine, structured, and published under a Creative Commons license. Adhering to the COPE Guidelines on Citation Manipulation, authors are urged to avoid any form of citation manipulation.

Article processing charge policy

For ease of identification and access, each published article is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), encompassing all essential metadata and the article’s URL.

Authors must pay a processing fee for an article after it has passed the review process and been accepted for publication (there is no fee for submitting and reviewing articles). This fee includes services for editing article text, formatting figures and tables, managing the review process, archiving articles, maintaining the website (including publishing articles, maintenance and support), and promoting the journal and articles (distributing journal materials, helping with indexing). Prospective authors can review the Funding Policy before submitting their manuscripts for review.

The author makes payment for the processing of articles after the decision of the Editor-in-Chief regarding the publication of the article is made, and its amount does not depend on the volume of the article. According to the Editor-in-Chief’s invoice sent to the authors, payment can be made conveniently via bank transfer.

Authors from developing countries, as well as those located in regions with military conflict or those who cannot afford to pay for the publication of an article, can submit a request to the Editorial Office for a 100% discount. For more information about these options, please refer to the Financial Policy.

Detection and handling of research misconduct

Author(s) submitting manuscripts to the journal are required to uphold principles of scientific transparency, integrity, thoroughness, excellence, and respect for co-authors and researchers. Adhering to ethical standards in publishing and scholarly endeavours, as well as COPE principles, is essential. Following the journal’s policy, only papers containing the author’s ideas and research results are accepted for publication. To ensure originality and prevent plagiarism, the journal employs services to check submitted articles.

The Editorial Board maintains a stringent stance against various forms of plagiarism, including direct, copying, self-plagiarism (recycling), mosaic (splicing), incidental, remixing, hybridisation, mash-ups, links to non-existent sources, aggregators, and retweeting. The Plagiarism Statement section provides detailed information on these types and forms of plagiarism (verbatim plagiarism, substantive plagiarism, and paraphrasing) and outlines sanctions for researchers violating the plagiarism policy.

For more details on these types of research misconduct, refer to the Research Misconduct Policy.

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