Digital archiving and preservation policy

The Publisher and Editorial Board regard digital archiving and preservation as essential to safeguard digital information and ensure its long-term availability. The journal is dedicated to providing continuous access to all its digital content for readers.

Website Archiving

The publisher and Editorial Board use a unified cloud server to store all the journal’s digital content in XML and PDF formats. This server is accessible 24/7, and any malfunctions are addressed within 24 to 36 hours.

Sumy State University Copyright Statement

The website and its content are the exclusive property of Sumy State University, with all copyrights protected under applicable laws. Use of the site materials is allowed only with explicit permission from the owner. Altering the content is considered a violation of the owner’s copyright. Visitors are prohibited from using third-party devices or programs that could modify the website’s content. Copying, distributing, and reproducing site content is permitted only with the owner’s consent. Permission requests can be submitted via email to [email protected].

Abstracting/Indexing Services

The journal is indexed by Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Google Scholar, WorldCat, and others.


The Economic Sustainability and Business Practices journal allows authors to upload a preprint of their submitted paper (before review and editing) to any electronic platform. Authors must acknowledge Economic Sustainability and Business Practices and its publisher, Sumy State University, in the preprinted text: “This is a preprint of a paper submitted to the journal Economic Sustainability and Business Practices, published by Sumy State University.”

Authors may also upload the postprint of their paper, which has been reviewed and accepted but has not yet been edited or formatted. These files can be posted on personal author pages or in repositories for non-commercial purposes. Authors should include in the postprint text: “This is the peer-reviewed and accepted version of the paper, the published version of which is available on the website of Sumy State University at the link: [insert link].”[Article’s DOI]”.

Published Version of an Open Access Article

Authors may upload the published version of their paper, including the peer-reviewed, edited, and formatted version, to any institutional repository or database. The only requirement is to acknowledge the publisher and the journal with: “This is a published version of the paper from the Economic Sustainability and Business Practices journal, published by Sumy State University. The article is available at[DOI of the article].” Detailed self-archiving information is available on the journal’s website.

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