Ethical Oversight

The scientific Journal “Economic Sustainability and Business Practices” adheres to the highest ethical standards, which are defined in detail in the tab “Publication Ethics Policy and Malpractice Statement“, as well as the principles described in the sections “Publication Policy” and “Editorial policy” of the site.

The Journal implements modern practices for scientific publications following the recommendations defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The editorial office takes measures to prevent any signs of plagiarism, improper compliance with ethical standards or fraudulent actions, and comprehensive investigations are conducted of all allegations of ethical violations.

The editorial board of the Journal and the publisher pay great attention to protecting the private life, safety and dignity of research subjects who are people, especially vulnerable segments of the population, guaranteeing humane treatment of animals and compliance with all ethical norms during voluntary participation in experiments. At the same time, data confidentiality and compliance with business and marketing regulations are ensured.

Authors of Journal articles must include a Declaration of Informed Consent if their research involves human participation. This Declaration must include the following statement: “all subjects of the study gave their informed consent” or explain why consent was refused, providing a detailed justification.

The Journal considers appeals related to author violations of ethical norms and principles. The editorial board is open to considering other appeals (if they are named and sufficiently substantiated).

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