All articles in the “Economic Sustainability and Business Practices” Journal are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license, providing full open access. The Journal operates under the Gold Open Access model, making the text of all published articles available for reading, downloading, or use, subject to proper citation. This approach promotes the dissemination of research results and makes them more accessible. Free access to the materials is provided by the Article Processing Charge, which the author pays, the author’s institution, or a third party. The Journal does not charge a fee for submitting or reviewing manuscripts. Instead, APC is paid when an article is successfully reviewed and accepted for publication. This fee covers various aspects such as editing, formatting text, editing figures and tables, as well as managing the review process, archiving articles, website administration (hosting, maintenance and support), promotion of the journal and its articles (content distribution, database maintenance data), as well as customer support. APC is transferred to Sumy State University’s official account.
For authors from Ukraine, the APC amount is 1000 hryvnias.
The fee for scientific editing of an article does not depend on its size. APC does not include the production and sending to the author of a printed version of a copy of the “Economic Sustainability and Business Practices” journal. Authors can order a printed copy of the Journal “Economic Sustainability and Business Practices”. In this case, the author must notify the Editorial Board and cover the shipping cost (it depends on the author’s country of origin).
The journal also offers discounts for authors. The Editorial Board makes the decision to grant discounts in agreement with the Publisher.
In particular, the magazine offers authors from Sumy State University a 50% discount. For students of Sumy State University, the cost of publication is free.
For additional information and advice on financial matters, such as bills and discounts, authors can contact the Editor-in-Chief at [email protected]. Funding for the journal is provided by funds received from payment for scientific editing of articles, as well as thanks to the organisational support of Sumy State University.