For authors

Instructions for authors

The Editorial Board of the journal “Economic Sustainability and Business Practices” strongly recommends authors familiarise themselves with the basic requirements for submitting articles for publication.

The journal accepts the following types of articles:

  • research articles that are original studies containing a hypothesis (if any), literature review, methodology, conclusions, findings, and recommendations.
  • theoretical articles that contain the main theoretical conclusions on a specific topic. They consist of an abstract, introduction, theoretical part, results, discussion and conclusions.
  • review articles summarising research on a chosen topic without presenting new empirical results. Review articles contain a critical and constructive analysis of the existing published literature in the field of study.

Article files should be sent to the email address [email protected],  [email protected]

Before submitting the manuscript, we recommend:

  • familiarise yourself with the aim and scope of the journal to check the compliance of your article with the subject matter of the magazine;
  • use the Template to prepare the article;
  • familiarise yourself with the article submission procedure and review process;
  • familiarise yourself with the magazine’s policies on Authorship and contributorship, Copyright and Licensing, Open Access Statement and Reference Metadata, Publication Ethics Policy and Malpractice Statement, Plagiarism Statement;
  • read and agree to the Article Processing Charge (APC) policy.

Before submitting the manuscript, we recommend that authors check the article to ensure it meets all the journal’s requirements.

The main requirements of the journal

The “Economic Sustainability and Business Practices” journal adheres to the requirements and principles of the APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (APA Style JARS).

Articles must be at least 20,000 characters long. All materials must be formatted in 12 Times New Roman font, with single line spacing, without page numbers and page breaks.

When submitting an article for consideration, it is recommended to divide it into several separate files:

  • the title page contains the title of the article, the abstract, and information about the authors.
  • the main text of the article does not specify the author’s data.
  • additional materials (graphic illustrations and formulas in editable formats, such as Excel).
  • author’s agreement. All co-authors are required to confirm acceptance of the latest version of the article in the Author Agreement.

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